Honeydew Gooseberry

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, honeydew, and gooseberry.

Honeydew A green melon. Gooseberry A fruit that looks similar to green grapes.

Strawberry Apple

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, strawberry, and apple.

Strawberry A very sweet and bright red fruit. Apple A bright green and round fruit.

Blueberry Lime

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, blueberry, and lime.

Blueberry A little blue coloured berry. Lime A sour and green coloured citrus fruit.

Blackberry Mango

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, blackberry, and mango.

Blackberry A little black coloured berry that looks similar to a raspberry. Mango A tropical fruit that is red on the outside and orange on the inside.

Orange Kiwi

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, orange, and kiwi.

Orange A round and orange coloured citric fruit. Kiwi A round fruit that is brown and fuzzy on the outside but green and juicy on the inside.

Raspberry Lemon

350ml $6.00

This juice is made from all natural products with no added sugar.

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INGREDIANTS: Water, raspberry, and lemon.

Raspberry A little red-ish pink coloured berry. Lemon A round yellow coloured citric fruit.